Sorry MCN that it has been so long since I last posted. I have today off from work and thus I have some time to catch you all up on my life (because I know you are so interested). Well we just got back from a great wedding weekend where two of my favorite people got married, Andie and Andrew. The whole weekend was a blast. There was golf, food, cards, video games, dancing, music, and a bunch of stories to go along with.
But the best part of course was the wedding itself. Seeing two people who love Christ and who both know that they were brought together by him was such a joy. Also seeing all of my friends from college was such a blessing. My friends have a strange ability to be both incredibly goofy and spiritually challenging at the same time. It seems like at a moments notice we can go from sharing stories and impersonating our old football coach to expressing what God has been teaching us in our lives. I truly believe that I have some of the best friends in the world. So with that I will leave you with some photos from the weekend.
The Beautiful Bride |
Chris being nice to Jo |
Zach and Ahna |
The bros in the old Pi Pew in Chapel |
Dave being dumb |
The bros at Rachels |
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