Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Wedding reunions and Talby

    Another week goes by and yes another week where I forget to post anything between Talby Tuesday's. What is becoming of me... I am happy though because Talby Tuesday's is definitely not growing old with my viewers. On the contrary, more and more people are checking in to the man cave to read about and adore the matchless Talby. So what is in store or this week? I have a rather funny story for you (In my mind at least) that happened about a year ago when all of our friends got back together for  Chris' and Johanna's wedding. Once you graduate from college you obviously do not see your friends as much as you used to. There is no living together, eating together, or playing nintendo 64 together. Over the years friends lose contact and drift apart, but weddings are one thing that consistently brings everyone back together. Besides getting to celebrate the marriage of two of your friends, eating good food, and dancing; weddings provide a great opportunity to reminisce with your friends and catch up on what's been going on in each others lives. Which is exactly what happened when our friends got married in lovely Lancaster.

 Everyone was there for the weekend and we were all graciously invited to the rehearsal dinner. Over dinner we all shared stories from the past (again over half of them centered around Talby) and also talked about what was going on in the present. While Talby laughed heartily as we all told old tales, he was relatively silent about what he was up to in the present day. But then after about a year of not seeing Talby he decided to fill us in on the most exciting things that had happened in Delaware and all the new things he had experienced and learned upon leaving Grove City. So what did he share with us?  During a pause in the conversation and, entirely un-provoked, Talby added these words in a dead serious tone: "Bro (Talking to me and or Andrew) I've been super busy with meetings and stuff for work, so I've completely had to change the way that I eat." At this point the whole table had stopped talking and was focused on Talby: "Ya, i've really had to work on it but I've gotten super efficient at eating food. You'd be proud of me." Yes, the last year of Talby's life had been centered around and highlighted by how he had gotten better and faster at eating food. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. An awkward silence ensued (How do you respond to that) then I looked at Bro Andrew and we laughed so hard that tears rolled down our eyes. I don't know why it was so funny and I know that you definitely had to be there, but seriously how ridiculous!
Talby had a meeting this night: He blew out his candles and ate the cake in 30 seconds.

Oh, and this gets me thinking as well. If Talby is the master of eating food efficiently I may have an idea. If we add a bunch of stuff to Talby's schedule he will be forced to learn how to eat even faster! If we load him down with an incredible amount of work and tasks (Just imagine how fast he would have to eat!), I think he could become a serious contender for the 4th of July Nathan's hot-dog eating contest.
Watch out Kobayashi, you better hope Talby doesn't get any busier!

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