Today is a special Talby Tuesday. I have decided to spread the wealth and let some of Talby's close friends get in on the blogging action. I have asked Talby's college roommate, Andrew Didonato, to recount some of his up close interactions with the big lumberjack. Andrew's post actually comes at a great time. My wife and I just joined a gym and I have started lifting weights for the first time in about a year. Yesterday I bench pressed 135 times 6 times. Those are my impressive numbers. As incredibly strong as I am, my strength pales in comparison to Hulk Talby. Listen to his numbers.....
Andrew's words:
Let me start out by saying it is an honor to contribute to a blog post about Talby. I had the privilege of living with him both our Junior and Senior years of college. It was the experience of a lifetime. During that time, I truly got to see the manliness of Aaron Talbott. The stories and memories are endless. Today, I would like to share one of those stories with all of you.
It has already been established in the previous posts about Talby that he is a manly man because he played football in college, wore a neck roll and cut-off flannel shirts, and had a scruffy man-beard. Knowing these three facts, you are probably wondering, "What kind of numbers does Talby put up in the weight room?" "Is he a beast in the weight room as well?" If you were thinking this, just listen to this story and you'll have your answer...
I can still envision Talby in his gray Grove City sweatshirt (with the hood up of course), knit hat, and blue Nike sweat pants fixing his wrist straps on the bar before performing Olympic style lifts. It was a sight to see. And Talby definitely held his own when it came to pumping iron. He was always in the top 10 of the football team when we did our annual lifting tests. Would you expect anything less from such a manly man?
Anyways, the way our football lifting tests were designed was that the players were given that whole week off from lifting and our only requirement was to come in once during the week to test. We could go any day of the week between the hours of three and six. Those tests only took about 15 minutes to perform, so people took advantage of the time off and usually waited till later in the week to do their lifts.
So on Monday of testing week, I was sitting in our dorm room listening to music and doing work on my computer. Next thing I know, Talby comes barging through the door, sweating profusely, completely out of breath, wearing his gray Grove City sweatshirt (with the hood up of course) and blue sweat pants. I had my head phones on so it was hard for me to hear anything. However, I could hear a faint voice in the background saying "Bro! Bro! Bro!". As that voice grew louder, I looked up and noticed Talby waving his arms back and forth in an attempt to get my attention. I took my head phones off and the following conversation transpired...
Me - "What's up Talby?"
Talby - "Bro, did you hear?"
Me - "Hear about what?"
Talby - "Did you hear about my numbers?"
I'll be honest, I had no idea what the heck Talby was referring to when he said this. After we talked a little longer, Talby told me that he had just gotten back from taking his lifting tests. I looked down at my computer and realized that the time was 3:15 ( On Monday). I remind you, we could go to test any day of the week between the hours of three and six. How I would be able to hear or talk to anyone about Talby's lifting numbers by 3:15 on Monday, I have no clue. But Talby expected everyone to know. (By the way Talby almost set a Grove City record on Bench. I think he did 275 like 12 times) Whether you find this story amusing or not, it has become a go to story for all of us when we talk about Talby.
So in conclusion here are some important weight lifting tips/facts to take away from this story....
1. People who wear neck rolls, probably pump a lot of iron in the weight room.
2. If you can lift a lot of weight, make sure you don't waste any time telling people about it.
3. If you can't lift a lot of weight, make sure you at least look the part by wearing a gray sweat shirt (with the hood up of course).
I hope you enjoyed this guest Talby Post and if you are a close friend of Talby and want to share a fond memory of story, just let me know!
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Poor Kid. Talby was showing off to the kids and he ended up bench pressing the little guy 528 times..... |
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